October 18, 2008

Birthday Week

I have decided to blog to waste my presious time...rather than doing another dumb survey:) You would think that I would have better things to do, however I do not. I am up watching this debate on replay on every channel and everyone in my house is sleeping! Quite time!!! I love it!!! It does not happen very often so I am grateful for these moments. This debate was awesome and I am sooo proud of my man Obama! How can you not love this guy? McCain has some anger problems and it is very uneasy to see how frustrated and angry he gets. Anyway other than all this political bull----, I would like to blog about my weekend.
This weekend was really really really fun! Britta, Cache, the kids and I went to Las Vegas to meet my mom and family for a couple nights. It was my so fun except for that we arrived to a real life real CSI investigation swat and all!! Very scary, but in a weird way....fun to watch:) I got to see Lacy and her belly, that was fun. I got her all kinds of baby goodies!! Britta and I went to Priv'e at Planet Hollywood. Good times:) We danced the night away, took naps in odd places, and ate/slept at 24-7. Day two we took the kids to the Shark Reef. Kyson loved it. He ecspecially his shark tooth necklas. They both loved spending time with aunt Brooklyn.
Birthday night was night two!! I wore my new amazing birthday dress and tiara. It was a lot of fun. We went to dinner and Bahama Breeze with lacy. Then headed out too the Mirage. Jet rocked and the entire lakers team joined us. (Pictures coming soon) It is hard to keep up with Britta and her dancing...I slipped in a few naps though. We then headed to the slots. I only played the 2 cent slots...but I came out on top!!! Put a 1 dollar in and left with $3.24. Britta suggested I cash out while I was ahead, so I took the advice and did just that. The drive home was brutal. But the laughing about our weekend adventures made it a memorable one.
Monday was busy. I volunteer in Kyson's class on Monday's so those are always crazy. I did a photoshoot for Gemika Jewelry on El Paseo. It will be featured in Palm Springs Life for an entire year, as well as the El Paseo Fashion week magazine!!! So that was cool. I start serving at Pacifica next Tues. which I am not excited about taking on a 2nd/3rd job, but you gotta do what you gotta do. We are praying and hoping for a callback on Anthony's job in San Antonio. I am sooo ready to leave the desert I can't stand it. And the last two days....well those were not very exciting so I wont share. But I'll blog again!! Keep reading
Hearts and Hugs ♥ Terrah

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